Any Javascript coders who know how to make Minecraft plugins want to code a plugin for our server?

So my server staff is in need of a Javascript coder who knows how to create Plugins that work with Bukkit for Minecraft. My team will require that you know the language of JavaScript really well and above all Do NOT DISTRIBUTE this custom plugin if you make it. You have 2 options of payment:

1. We will pay you $100 MAX in one shot (For what ever we ask in the plugin)

2. We will pay you (For what ever we ask in the plugin) in a fare percentage of the profits we make and you can join our server team and what ever we ask in the future for another plugin you will have to make the plugin for free because we're paying per donation which is like a job. This is a fare trade if you think about it.

One last thing that we require is that you do updates for free on the plugin because since were paying $100 for a plugin thats top price for the code so don't come to us like this isn't fare because this is. If you are interested or want to discuss more on this then please EMail me at:


"One last thing that we require is that you do updates for free on the plugin because since were paying $100 for a plugin thats top price for the code"

I don't think you know how much programmers make.