REAL potion recipes? Please?

What are just some recipes for real potions NOT IN MINECRAFT for me to drink for a change effect or for strength cause I'm workin I something TOP SECRET

Please keep in mind that even common kitchen herbs in high doses can cause serious illness or organ damage.

Don't just throw some drink together because someone on the internet said to do it-- think about it.

Sure it is called Alcohol, which will change ones affect and if enough is consumed with change it permanently.

Depends, what game are you playing?

I know of one. It makes me good looking, strong, incredibly confident, and the best guitar player ever. When other people take the potion, it also makes them think I'm good looking, strong and really talented. So I know the stuff works.

It's called rum. I don't know the recipe, but it involves sugarcane and a long time in barrels. You're probably too young to buy it, though. Magic potions are only sold to adults.

If you're working on something top secret, then surely you could think of this 'potion' recipe yourself, hm?