Preparing a LAN Party (4 people). What games should we play?

So me and some of my friends will be playing at a LAN party in a few weeks, and I was wondering what games we should play. The main problem with this is that I have a Windows 7 laptop, while my other 2 friends have MacBook Pros, and the other friend (the only female) has a Windows Vista laptop. The main game we intend on playing is Minecraft, which shouldn't be too much of a problem. Do you know any other free-to-play, enjoyable games like Minecraft that we can play at the party? Because I don't want to play Minecraft ONLY, that would get boring after a few hours. So yeah, any ideas?

Call of duty 4 Modern Warfare or Battlefield 2

I would definitely play Core its freaking amazing. Its like sort of Day Z except its post nuclear and OMG I can't even explain it all its amazing. I don't know if everyone has to download the plugin or if only the host needs it but just try just you and if it dosent work then yeah. You can get it here I know the dev so