I'm running on an old Toshiba laptop and it's time for me to buy a new computer. I need something… Mostly for video and music editing, and on my free time, some minecraft. I'm only 14, and I really want a macbook but, I don't see that coming anytime soon.
Here's the reason why I'm stuck in between these two: the desktop is great because it is more powerful, and bigger monitors. But I want a laptop because the ability to use it anywhere would be nice, and it's probably nicer.
My budget stops at around 800-900, because I have 200 dollars right now, and I'm selling my PS3 for another 200, and my step dad will help me out. I'm, leaning on the side of getting a macbook air which is 948. It just doesn't have retina, but I don't think that's a problem for me.
So should I go for the macbook, or settle for a pc. If pc, laptop or desktop?
Added (1). I've seen macbook pro's for 600 on ebay so maybe I'll save up for that, but which should I get