Ps3 and 8 other game is worth how much?

I have a ps3 in working condition that has Minecraft and Little Big Planet Carting installed on it. I also have 6 other games I want to sell with it. (Battle Field 3) (Battle Field 4) (Portal 2) (GTA IV) (Fallout 3) (Call of Duty Ghosts) I'm looking to get at least 100$ off of them, how much credit or cash do you think I can get for them?

I'd sell it yourself, and not go through EB Games/Game Stop because they won't give you what your console is actually worth. I'd probably start it at about $200 then if someone offers less consider taking it. Just go to the gamestop website and see how much their used consoles/controllers/games that you have sell for then sell it for a bit cheaper.