MineCraft Playstation 3 Edition. PSN Codes?

Hi, I need someone to help me with getting the full version of Minecraft Paystation 3 Edition. It costs $20 in the Playstation Store. I need someone to give me some PSN codes or tell me a way to get free codes from a website or something. I would really like to play Minecraft with friends but I don't want to spend the money because I can't afford it because I don not have any money. My PSN ID is Commander-Coolz7. Please message me codes or whatever on there if you want.
Snapchat - officialsunnyd.
Kik - sunny140.
PSN: Commander-Coolz7. Please help and thank you very much for even taking your time to read this. I really appreciate it.

Step 1: Get 20$
Step 2:Go to a store.
Step 3: Buy PSN Card
Step 4: Redeem code
Step 5: Purchase game
Step 6: No one will give you free codes and there's no way to obtain them for free.

You can use Paypal to buy Minecraft download beside the Playstation card and created card. Orange is right when he says that there no free code.

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