Can someone gameshare gta 5 ps3?

I'm poor and I really want gta 5 for my ps3 I will give minecraft

No, get a job and make money if you are poor. Why whould someone else work all day and get a paycheck to buy a game then give a total stranger a free copy when they can be banned or you could steal their identity or psn account?

you can't be that poor if you had $20 to buy mincract recently and target had gta5 for only $15 a month ago so you could have bought it yourself for less tha minecraft cost you

Nobody is gonna risk getting their account hacked and/or banned just cause you want something for free and are so FOS you think you deserve to get it like this despite everyone else on PSN paying for it!

if you're poor and you can't be bothered to save your money until you can afford to buy it, then lucky for you, Christmas is less than 2 months away so why not ask your parents to get it for you for that?! Makes you seem a lot less arrogant and lazy do that than just sitting there and crying in hopes someone takes pity on you (if this is at all true) and gives you access to everything THEY PAID FOR just casue you can't be bothered to