Can I play a minecraft map on any console?

I want to download a minecraft map (Tomorrowland) and play it on my PS3. Will that be a problem? Are there certain maps that are only made for PC or does it not matter?

Game consoles do not allow arbitrary maps or mods. You can only use what is available for that particular console.

For instance, the PS3 version can only use what is available through PSN. If Tomorrowland isn't there, then you're out of luck I'm afraid.

It may be possible to download the actual map, but a lot of the blocks and commands don't exist on console.

You can't play or download maps on console version can't play on Tomorrowland map neither. You can only use what's available through psn. But there's some maps that 4J Studios added like the tutorial, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Festive world. Otherwise, you can Only play on maps on PC only.

I did watch Captain Sparklez play on Tomorrowland map on PC and it looked Awesomw! I'm not sure why he was attacking other players though during the game

You can't use downloaded maps on consoles.
And yes, maps made on a PS3 wouldn;t work with console versions anyway. They are coded differently.