Any games you could recommend?

I recently got a 100$ GameStop card and I want a new game. It needs to

1. Be exciting
2. Have weapons
3. Have a storyline

Here are the games I already have.
Call of Duty: Blackops ( 1 and 2 )
Ratchet and Clank
Little Big Planet ( 1 and 2 )
(I have a lot more but I seriously don't remember)

Suggest those games guys!

Added (1). I mean the ps3

For what console are we talking about here? I could suggest you any number of things but there's no point in me suggesting, say, The Last of Us if you have an xbox one or Sunset Overdrive if you have a PS4… Better yet, no point in me suggesting a 'next gen' game if you have a PS3.

The Last of Us is a good game and has all of the stuff you require. Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row: IV are good games. Uncharted series, Far Cry 3 and 4. Red Dead Redemption, GTA V. Endless possibilities.

You might want to just invest in a next gen console. Otherwise I'd go with Red Dead Redemption and GTA 5.

Sly Raccoon: Thieves in Time, Far Cry series, GTA V, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, Infamous series, Heavy Rain, Ratchet and Clank series (if you're interested in easy trophies), Bioshock series, Dishonored. There are many more, but those are just to name a few. You might also want to invest in a PS4. I'll be getting one at the end of the year!

Choose out of these games… GTA 5, The last of us. Batman arkham games. Red faction guerrilla, heavy rain, South Park stick of truth, infamous series, skyrim, just cause 2, borderlands, metal gear solid 4, bioshock series. Those should keep you busy for a long time! All great games!