Need a budget light gaming computer?

I'm trying to find a computer atleast under $400 that I can use for light gaming and editing. When I say light gaming I'll mainly just be playing minecraft occasionally and editing gameplays for youtube. I'd prefer a computer with Windows 8.1. And i'm wanting a desktop rather than a laptop. Any feedback would be great, thank you!

$400 will get you a piece of junk from Wal-mart or possibly a refurb from newegg or microcenter. My suggestion is toss the budget out the window, build your own computer, and order it piece by piece as you have the money. Start at the beginning with a nice case. READ REVIEWS. Then move on to a decent power supply, then the motherboard, cpu, ram, video card, ect ect.
$400 for a gaming computer, even a "budget light" computer, will get you a system you will be SORELY disappointed with. Why spend money just to paint yourself into a corner and become a victim of your own short sightedness?

Pretty much what "letmepicyou" said, $400 is way too low for anything with a video card which you need

It is a self assembly, you buy the parts list but it includes everything except monitor, keyboard and mouse.