My minecraft game is legit laggy, what do I do? I wanna play it but it takes 5 minutes to move 2 steps?

My minecraft game is legit laggy, what do I do? I wanna play it but it takes 5 minutes to move 2 steps?

What system (console/pc etc.)

are you playing online?

I've had the exact same problem!
Turns out the solution is a lot easier than you would think. I'm going to compose the simple list of what I did to fix that horrible lag.
- open up minecraft
- start chanting "herobrine herobrine herobrine"
once you do this for about 69 min herobrine will show up
once he does you just need to tell him to take your soul in exchange to stop the lag

This is what got the lag to stop for me, I hope this helps you too!

Too vague to answer. It helps to know what your computer's hardware is and if they meet the minimum requirements of the game.

What you can try is to lower all of the graphical settings to the absolute lowest and work your way up. You'll want to find a balance between graphical quality and performance. If after you lower the settings down all the way the game still lags, then you'll need to upgrade your computer's hardware, probably the graphics card.