This week, he even gave her all the answers word-for-word to a report that was supposed to be written by her for a 5th grade project.
He has rewarded her D's and F's with the brand new Minecraft story-mode game instead of making her spend more time on homework (my punishment).
He does not come out and say I'm the un-fun parent. However, there's never ever a consequence for bad grades. There are zero chores, and I'm the total opposite here. When I pick her up every Friday it is the same "I ate candy for dinner, I didn't have a shower in days, and my homework isn't done."
My child despises me for all the real food I make her eat and for making her shower every day. She literally throws a fit saying "Dad doesn't make me do that!" and the worst "Why won't you do your homework for me like dad does?" Help?