My ex will do anything to make our child love him more than me

This week, he even gave her all the answers word-for-word to a report that was supposed to be written by her for a 5th grade project.

He has rewarded her D's and F's with the brand new Minecraft story-mode game instead of making her spend more time on homework (my punishment).

He does not come out and say I'm the un-fun parent. However, there's never ever a consequence for bad grades. There are zero chores, and I'm the total opposite here. When I pick her up every Friday it is the same "I ate candy for dinner, I didn't have a shower in days, and my homework isn't done."

My child despises me for all the real food I make her eat and for making her shower every day. She literally throws a fit saying "Dad doesn't make me do that!" and the worst "Why won't you do your homework for me like dad does?" Help?

Someday, she'll realize which one was Really showing her love: the one helping her become a full human being.

Until then, she might well hate you for being the meanest mommy on Earth, but that is normal. Growing up is learning you can't always get what you want and everything takes work.

Honestly, you might want to talk to the teacher about the father-help. She might need extra homework to make up for it.

Sucks to be a parent.

People run quickly to divorce their life partners and create their own private hell. When a family is split up, two households are created. These households areoften managed differently with different rules, amenities, and levels of discipline for kids to compare and contrast. People in stable intact families don't have two homes to choose from.

What is your custody schedule like? There are a lot of people that complain about their spouse and how they run things. If he has them less frequently than you, he may be trying to make the most of the little time he has with them. I wouldnt blame him, if that were the case. That doesn't make him 'te fun parent'. It makes him the parent with the least access to his kids that tries to make the most of the time they have. As a single parent, i frequently get take out food because I'm overwhelmed with how much responsibility i have and how i have nobody else to help out. Its a shortcut i often have to take.

Focus on your household.

Make him love you then he will let your child love you