YouTube Striked me for no reason? Community GuideLines

I have a question on why I have gotten a strike on my YouTube channel, It says its a violation of the Community GuideLines, I don't know what this is and I would like some reasoning as to why I got a strike.

The video is about a minecraft tutorial on how to install a mod. I had my own music in there so thats not the problem, I didn't swear or anything, everything was clean, nothing illegal.etc

I really don't know why they did this, it was my most popular video and now I'm a little upset, if anyone could give me some reasons that would be great, thanks for your help in advance.

Perhaps someone reported it as a copyright violation. That would be enough to shut it down. Any commercial product usage or image needs permission from the copyright holder. If you did not obtain it, you are subject to have your work removed from a public forum.

Inside the monitored Minecraft Forum or other Minecraft specific sites you might have it allowed, even encouraged. Just not on YouTube if anyone reports it.

Without viewing the video I can't really say what was wrong with it.

Maybe you used a sponsored link to go the mod homepage? Wait, what mod is it?

What do you mean by 'put my own music'? Is this music that you created and hold the copyright to or just music that you bought? That could be what's going on. Also, if it is your own music, the issue could be that youtube's copyright infringement software was triggered incorrectly. I have registered music of my own going back about 15 years and youtube questioned my ownership of a video that had my own music. It took a bit of work but we got it straightened out. Here's a video dealing with copyright that also talks about how youtube deals with what it thinks is copyright infringement as well as how to address it.