Which coding language should I use?

I want to make apps and mods for minecraft. Which language for apps would be the easiest to learn along side of java? Cross platform would be preferred, but if there's a language very similar to java that only runs iOS or Android, I'll take it. I'm just getting started so any recommendations on ways to learn would be appreciated. TY!

Java runs on android! And its the language you are going to want to use to make mods/plugins for minecraft.

If you are looking to code on iOS I suggest objective C.

If you are looking for a language that is very similar to Java, I would go with C#, which runs on windows in.NET.

IOS and Android are incredibly incompatible. The only truly cross-platform tools I know are Unity3D and Monotouch. Both use C# which is a great language, very similar to to Java.

On both, free version are limited, for example, Unity3D requires Pro version if you want to use sockets in iOS or Android. Monotouch has a code size limitation.