Minecraft mods (forge mod loader)?

Is there another way to insrtall mods like the twighlight forest mod in minecraft as every time i install forge mod loader my minecraft messes up like sometimes i can't get into my world or i'll play a few seconds in it and then it would say shutting down server or simething like that then it would freeze then a black screen would come up and this is in my single player world by the way. I really woud like the twighlight forest mod.

Either 2 problems. Your computer can't handle mods or you are installing them wrong. Don't do forge mod loader. Look up just mod loader, find the one that is specified for 1 mod only. (twilight Forest). And download. Save the hassle of doing everything

Yes there are other mod loaders. You have to check that you install the mod with mod loader that the mod supports and you use correct MC version. While installing the mod follow the mod creator's instructions. If the problem still is there contact the mod creator. You can find other mod loaders from internet by searching for 'minecraft mod loader'. However Forge is often best option.