How to play Left 4 Dead 2 minecraft mod on Xbox 360?

I want to play left 4 dead 2 minecraft mod on xbox 360 but i don't know if you can and if so how? I do not have left 4 dead 2 on steam so i can't get it there. Please tell me how to play left 4 dead 2 minecraft mod on xbox 360

You can't mod console games in this way. It literally just can't be done. The files for the game on xbox are all stored on the game disc, you can't access these files to change them.

The reason why PC games can be modded is because we have access to all of the game files as they are saved onto our hard drives. If you want to mod, you need to move to PC.

How do you? You can't.

It is very different to mod a console because since the computer we're able to change the way our computers and mess around with our hard drive by there you are able to access files which can make it easy to mod stuff! Consoles are meant to be played and enjoy your console!

Console games don't have the capability to be modded, even if you could you would most likely get banned.

L4D 2 was free on steam a while back on steam.