How to make 2 villagers in minecraft get marry on minecraft comes alive mod?

I wanna make 2 villagers(however you call them) marry i give them a arrenger ring and i give it to someone near but they don't do nothing… They say something like who's the guy am i gonna marry… They are near each ther what should i do?

Added (1). I have another question. Is it me or when i try to kill a villager guards spawn?

Tell them a dirty story and then leave them alone!

A villager must be given an arranger's ring in order to start the arrangement process. Once one villager has an arranger's ring, the player must move them close to another villager and gift another arranger's ring to the desired villager for marriage. (From the Wiki)

It seems that you are doing things correctly. Try again, maybe reload the world and see what happens.