How to get two horses to have a baby in minecraft (no mods)?

How to get two horses to have a baby in minecraft (no mods)?

Feeding tamed horses golden apples or a golden carrot will activate love mode.Depending on the variations of the parent horses, the offspring can be one of several types. The offspring will be more spindly than their adult versions and will grow progressively larger with time until they reach their full size. Offspring will not automatically belong to the player who owns its parents. Rather, it will be born as an untamed horse and will need to be tamed. It will not be tamable until it has grown into an adult, a process which takes approximately 20 minutes. The foal can be fed to make it mature faster (Golden apples mature the offspring faster than golden carrot)

Horse: Breeding two horses produces a horse foal. Usually the new foal has the color of either of its parents. One out of nine times it will take on an uncorrelated color (this color could still be the same as the parents', slightly reducing the probability of the new color being different). Markings work likewise.