Gaming computer suggestion?

Okay so I'm saving up to get a gaming computer, but I'm not to good with like specs and stuff so I need help. What's the best computer to go for? I want one that like gaming youtubers have. Not to extortionate but one that I can play games on. Some games I want to play:
Call of Duty: World at War
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Garry's Mod
Maybe Minecraft
Also some other trending games like them in the future or what I might find interesting in the future.
P.S I want all these games to run smoothly.

There's a magazine called PC gamer it shows PC's and their price range This is what i have, it can run almost all games at high settings at 60 fps. If you were to get something like that but instead of a gtx 960 if you have the money, get a gtx 980. You will play all games at ultra settings 60 fps and above with a gtx 980. Oh and instead of a i5 get a i7 4690k if you are willing to pay alot of money to have a beast gaming pc that can run pretty much every game.

Do not listen to Elijahs graphics card choice. If your looking for a graphics card, which is the part that mostly does the work running games the best ones you can get for the price at the minute are the Nvidia GTX 970 or GTX 980Ti. The 980Ti is more expensive but obviously is better than the 970. You will then see lots of different looking and different company version of these cards, it's still the same card BUT the difference if the cooler that stops it from overheating, so a quick google on the best branded cooler one will tell you what's best. Then for your CPU, the main processor your going to want at least an i7. I7 4790k is a great choice but if you have more money in hand try an I7 5820k. Then pick up a corsair all in one water cooler (all in one can't leak and keeps your PC from overheating really well) Then some RAM, I could go really complicated with this but 16GB of a ram from the corsair brand will do amazing for games, no matter what model, but if your going for an I7 4790k processor make sure to get DDR3 ram and for an I7 5820k processor get DDR4 RAMm this doesn't make a difference it's just the compatibility. The. For storage pick up a Kingston, corsair or Intel SSD with whatever amount of space you will like and then a western digital 1TB drive for things like documents. Then pick a motherboard with the right socket for your Processor (It will say in model number when you pick it) and a case that's big enough to store it all and that you like and that's pretty much you. Last thing is just some fans to keep it cool and a power supply of about 750 watts plus from corsair. Happy PC bulling and is a great site for picking parts.

A PC with an i5 4690K and a GTX 960/970/980 would do nicely in all those games on max settings or close to it. Also 8GB of RAM at least is a must! I5's are just as good as i7's i7's just have hyperthreading which not every game uses!