Minecraft lava. How can I get it?

The only lava source is on the other side of the island and I only have 1 bucket. If I'm to travel to the other side just to get a bucket of lava then by the time I reach home it'll be night and this is when i leave home early in the morning. And I always get killed by 1000 zombies, skeletons or spiders so I always end up loosing.

Can't build a river connecting the lava because then the lava will go halfway then stop. All help is appreciated

Make a bed, go get the lava and when it starts to get dark dig a hole in the ground and sleep till morning? Or just mine underground until you strike lava. Don't dig straight down though.

You can do what I would do which would be to make a sh*t load of buckets and fill them all with lava. Haha XD
After book it home as fast as you can. Haha

As well as, keep a sword with you to push back spiders and run through trees to not get shot by skeletons.

I would literally do this too. Haha

If you can build a nether portal, then you have an infinite supply of lava in the nether.