Minecraft 1.7.4. How do i change the way my mobs and items look?

Most of the vides are outdated, and they say that they no longer have bin, but i found another way to change the way my items and blocks look, but it doesn't show up on my game.
help please?

and yes i'm a bit noobish, thanks for wondering.

Added (1). This is for pc

Added (2). and i know about resource packs, but i'm trying to make my own.

You can change how everything in Minecraft looks using Resource Packs, just go to Google and search "Minecraft Resource Packs" and find one you like, then follow the instructions to install it.

Well thats kind of complicated if your noobish you need to go into the jar file where you install mods then find the textures and put them into a folder and use a color editor like paint and stuff like that and change them manually (Its really hard i know how to do it but never found a good way to make them)