I'm planning on buying these http://www.newegg.com/...m=N82E168… Since they are relatively cheap and it comes with many speakers and a sub woofer. I just don't have hands on opinions about them. Does anyone know whether or not these speakers are good for hooking up to a pc? I'll be using the HyperX Cloud 2 surround sound gaming headset for when I'm doing heavy gaming, but for everything else, the speakers will be in use. I'll mainly use them when I'm watching Movies, Netflix, YouTube videos, streams, listening to music, and when I'm lightly gaming such as casual Minecraft.
Logitech Computer Speakers?
Rory 29.12.2015
1) Nobody knows what the hell you're talking about since you never gave model information for your "water speakers"
2) That doesn't change the recommendation. You should NEVER directly connect a computer to anything that is in or uses water. You're asking for problems. If you need connections, be sure to use isolation devices
caree 30.12.2015