Is playing minecraft gay? - 1
Is playing minecraft gay?
rcak2003 28.09.2017
I don't like the game myself.
Dametres 28.09.2017
Mcdroe 28.09.2017
Minecraft is fine if your a kid under the age of 10, if your older then 10 you should probably find something else to do with your time
Construction S 28.09.2017
Maybe if you're using the blocks to make pictures of someone(s) of your gender and pleasuring yourself to it.
Guest 28.09.2017
I concur with the above answers. Sure hope it sets your mind(?) @ ease.
Susan 28.09.2017
answer 28.09.2017
Yes, unless younlike fidget spinners, play roblox, or if you're 9
Andrew 28.09.2017
Jeremy 28.09.2017