Is my social studies teacher right about American kids having no problems?

"All your problems are is 'Oh - I can't get Minecraft to work." This was a couple days before my mom died.

It's the way some people are.

They believe just because kids and teens in richer countries have it better than teens in poorer countries, that teenagers in rich countries must not have any problems at all.

A spoiled little sh*t might think their biggest problem in the world is Minecraft won't work. But in america there still are kids and teens who struggle. People who grow up poor, discriminated against for being a minority, have uncaring or cruel parents, have their lives destroyed in a natural disaster (I know you guys have gotten a lot of hurricanes in the past few years), have a disability, etc.

Don't believe it for a second. Realize america and other rich countries have its problems too, and fight back.

I'm very sorry for your losses, just know that now she is in a better place and has left this world with awful pessimists like your teacher.

Screw your social studies teacher. Personally i don't like the class all together. I find it pointless and stupid

I live in America. Was born in America. Bipolar disorder, self-harmer and manic depressant. No problems my ****.

That's stereotyping teens of America. I don't have my life like that. Tbh. But I do now ALOT of kids who think they're life's are ruin because they have to go to school, can't seem to work instagram/fb, get their phones taken away, etc. :/ not everyone's like this. Just the air headed popular dumb kids. Haha. I have problems in my life and they're not first world problems at all. I wished I could've lived before iPhones were created.