Is My processor compatible with this graphics card?

I have just recently purchased a new graphics card for my pc and a power supply for it. I have a gtx 760 and a APEVIA ATX-CB700W 700W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready Power Supply - OEM power supply. My processor is a AMD Elite quad core A8-6500 Accelerated processor I now its a good processor but is it good enough for what I have in the PC? Also The power supply came with a new power cord and I'm still using the old one is that ok to do? The bottom line is my games are still skiping around especially minecraft and I don't know if it could be my processor thats doing the skipping.

What do you mean that the power supply came with a new chord? Do you mean the chord that plugs into the outlet or the chords that plug into the computer components? Did you make sure that you downloaded the drivers for your GTX 760? Did you make sure that the plugs for the 760 are plugged in properly? Minecraft shouldn't be surprising since minecraft is more of a CPU intensive game rather than GPU intensive. I have a i5 4670K and minecraft also skips around sometimes in some places. If you have your drivers and everything installed, go into the bios and see if you have to switch from the iGPU to the 760. If you don't know how to do that, just google it. Another thing is you might have to uninstall the Nvidia drivers and reinstall them because the drivers don't work sometimes. Other than those, that's all I can think of that might pose a problem.