Is Minecraft a good way to learn programming?

Well I've never played it before i've always just played games like WoW. I've been wanting to learn proggramming after this computer class I took. Is it a good way to learn?

Added (1). Well I'm not expecting the game to revolve all around programming neccesarily. I might need to still get some books on it, however is Minecraft a kind of game that familiarizes you with the structure of programming?

Not really, no. You CAN learn basic logic gate functions (NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT gates) from it, but honestly, unless you're using some very low-level machine language, you're not really gonna be dealing with much in the way of logic gates as a programmer.
You certainly won't get access to ultra-useful programming concepts like conditional statements, loops, and variables.


Minecraft is primarily an exploring and building game, it teaches you nothing about programming. In the same way that playing "Operation" doesn't help you become a thoracic surgeon.

If you want to learn programming. Start with an actual programming language such as Python - there are many excellent free tutorials.