Is it possible to make my hp 2000 laptop better for gaming?

I recently got an hp 2000 notebook pc for Christmas. It runs on windows 8 and is an ok laptop. But i've noticed it doesn't work well for gaming. I was wondering if its possible to make it run games better and less choppy and laggy. Such games would include minecraft and Dayz.

Added (1). Response: thanks for the news. I'm thinking of selling this laptop afteri raise the proper funds. Any suggestions on a cheap gaming laptop? (I know they are expensive, just need a starting point.)

Added (2). Oh, and just to be sure, would replacing the processor help at all?(if such a task is possible)

Added (3). Response: thanks. Any additional information or things I should know would be wonderful:3

Added (4). Additional question: i've also heard something about having my laptop focus its hard drive or some component of the sort on soley graphics and performance. This concept is kind of vauge to me, but from what people say this could help boost gaming performance. I would like to know more information on what this is and how its done.

The notebook isn't made for gaming at all, but for business. It won't get much better for gaming…
I would suggest getting a new laptop if you can. There's an alienware gaming desktop starting at just $600.

No, because laptop video chips are very rarely upgradeable

Even if you could replace the processor, it will have little to no effect if the video chip is poor. I'd look into an ASUS or Lenovo (maybe refurb on eBay if you're on a tight budget) but make SURE it has decent dedicated video chip by Nvidia or AMD. To check the performance of various video chips try

I suspect that adding Memory would be an acceptable choice. When I added more memory to my system, it improved things dramatically.

Don't buy an alienware, and don't buy a laptop for gaming. Desktops are so much better for gaming. So what if you can't play on the go, the games will run much better. Either build your own or buy one from