Is Herobrine real on minecraft?

A lot of people say he is real some of them don't. But I have saw herobrine in minecraft with my friend j… E but it was prob him

I think he's real. I've never seen him personally but apparently he's only on the PC version

I belive that he is not real. I have personally tried to summon him by creating the shrine that many youtubers insist will bring him to your world.
keep in mind that in minecraft you are capable of doing things like disguising your character as herobrine and then giving your self the nickname of herobrine so it appears legit. Adding a power tool with lightning strike and its very convincing.
however the large number of people who claim to have seen him does raise the suspicion that he is real. Try looking up a video on youtube on how to summon him, encounters, and even herobrine troll videos so you can decide for yourself if he is real.

hope this helped

He is not real, he is a texture glitch and fans made him out to be what he is today, he does not exist in the base game, he only exists in the game through modding.

The creators like to joke about him tho and mention in updates how they "removed herobrine" but during save screens etc they also mention to not believe in rumors. He was never in the base game, the rumors are refrencing to those saying he is real when he is in fact not.

He's not real. He's an urban legend much like the Lochness Monster.

This hasn't prevented fans from creating mods that add him though.