I need a gaming buddy! Anyone?

I'm looking for some gaming friends, some people who play League, Minecraft, ROBLOX, or even Smite. I'll talk to either gender. Just someone to game with a bit. I talk to people normally at the ages of 12-15… So I'll game and Skype with anyone pretty much! Skype: Isayah Piper FB: Isayah Piper LoL: Digibloxs ROBLOX: Richy109 and my Minecraft is Digibloxs. I also play a bit of Pokemon X… IGN Isaya Female Protagonist, wearing yellow. So yeah, just answer on here with your games you play… And I also need a League mentor… Just someone to help me get better at Nasus. My OLD main, but I haven't played him for a long period of time and I lost my touch as him! :/ OH WELL! Please answer to this, I'll get a best answer to the best Nasus mentor.

I will be your pokemon X buddy!
Fc: 2251-4587-5517
The name is Cheyenne.
^-^ I look forward to battling and trading with you!

I don't really care for best answer but Nasus isn't hard at all. Literally all you need to do with him is buy dorans shield and 1 pont, run ghost and teleport, and just last hit minions with your q. Completely disregared your lane opponent unless your jungler ganks. Just farm your q up and by end game your team instantly wins.

nasus is literally one of the most broken champs because of this. He has the ability to ignore the enemy laner since he heals up every time he q's/aa's and by 30 minutes when you have 400 or 500 stacks on q you just walk into the enemy back line and 2 shot their adc/assassin/mage. Build straight tank as well, no damage except for last whisper end game