This is annoyed and frustration teenager, reporting for duty.
So I logged onto my laptop, clicked on Google Chrome to get some school work done. I click once, wait, nothing happens. I shake it off, click again, nothing. I check some other applications, Microsoft paint, Minecraft, (don't judge my gaming choices) they all work. So I click a few more times, then give up. I restart my computer and try again, but I get the same results! So does anyone here have any intelligence on technology? Because I sure don't!
I'm about to chuck my conputer out the window?
Cece 21.01.2016
Give up on your computer (maybe use it as a doorstop) then take a yoga class to take your frustration away.
Nas 22.01.2016
Sometimes this happens to me. Just open task manager (ctr+shift+esc) click more details if you are on windows 8 or 10. And end all google chrome tasks. Then restart google and hopefully it will work.
Jake 22.01.2016