I can't get noticed on youtube?

I post minecraft videos almost daily on my youtube channel, and I can barely get any views or subscribers. I try to make my videos as high quality as possible, but they just aren't getting noticed.
If you want to check it out to give me some advice, here is the link:

Your problem is there's 20,000 other people posting Minecraft videos. If you want to get more subscribers, you need to fill a niche. Minecraft isn't a niche that needs to be filled.

Try playing new games. I like to play all types and watch other people too. Like pewdiepie, he plays almost everything!

Try to play other games, like NFS, GTA, Halo, Sonic, Mario, Megaman, Test Drive, Driver, G-Mod, or Skyrim (These are just my suggestions). Then viewers will start coming to your channel and then you can make Minecraft videos (A FEW AT A TIME so people can choose what they want to watch).

It could be that there are so many people making Minecraft videos… You should try something new.
Whenever you have an idea for a YouTube video, no matter how crazy it is, you should try it (nothing dangerous or drug-things or anything like that, there are some limits of course).
Be as creative as you possibly can!