How to transport sheep in minecraft?

I've found a beautiful sheep.
I want to take it back to my house and stuff but I don't know how and the journey back to my house is a long one cause I was exploring.
I don't have any wheat.
I'm willing to go back to my house and stuff though
What do

Since you did not specify, I'm assuming you are talking about the PC/Mac/Linux version of Minecraft.

Unfortunately, entities will despawn if you get a certain distance away. Therefore, going back to your house is not an option.

If you really want this specific sheep, your only option is to use the blocks in your inventory to trap the sheep and slowly push it back towards your base. Make sure to keep all the walls at least 2 blocks high so the sheep doesn't jump out.

You could make a wooden hoe, get some seeds from tall grass (assuming there are some nearby) wait for night, kill a skeleton, get bone meal, grow the wheat, and guide the sheep back home. It is dangerous, but as mobs depswan after so long with being away, this, I see, is the simplest

Here it is in step form:
1. Get a wooden hoe
2. Obtain seeds
3. Wait for night
4. Kill skeleton
5. Use bone meal to grow wheat
6. Lead sheep home

hope this helps