How to play minecraft online? - 1

I have no idea how and none of the stuff that goes on makes sense. How do I gain windows 10, make weapons, and become more familiar with the games?

Search in google.

No idea.

Best Game in the world.

One of my favorite game.

Just go to the minecraft official forums, people post their server id's on em all the time so you can join in at anytime. Also if you type in "minecraft server" on youtube or any search engine and youll get allot of results

There aren't many sites left because most of them have been taken down because of the copyright purposes and was taken down.

There's no real demp but if you go on minecraft's website, you can buy the full game and set up an account, you would then go on a server by typing in mcserverlist on google. You would then type in the ip address for the server you want on minecraft multiplayer

First you have to have bought minecraft, then type in Google or what ever you use minecraft Beta servers and servers should pop up like ip's then open up minecraft login hit multiplayer and type in the ip.
