How to make a two tall automatic enchanting room?

What I would like to do is make a two block tall bookshelf system that pops out of the floor that looks like this: x=two block tall bookshelf o = blank space e= enchanting table

[x][x][x][x] [x]
[x][x][x][x] [x]

Completely flush with the ground, no redstone above ground, that extends when powered and returns when power is cut off leaving no floating blocks. I've seen it done in minecraft showcases but can't figure out how to do it myself and haven't found a tutorial for it.

Lol Yeah I know about sticky pistons and am fairly good at redstone I just can't seem to get this pattern to work; at least not without floating blocks that the sticky pistons leave behind. Is Sumito7773 his Minecraft forum un? If so I can hop on and send him a message.

This involves "sticky pistons" and is very complex. My 13 year old son can help you. His user name is Sumito7773.

I saw an article the other day about this, let me check my history real fast and I will get back with the link