How to make a popular YouTube channel?

I have 13 subscribers an that's it I'm going to make a new YouTube I want it manly to be for cod and minecraft but 1. What should I call it and 2. How do I make it popular thanks in advance.

Put "Yogscast" in the front of your name *wink*

My advise is to never EVER incorporate numbers into your username. Also, don't say "Hello Youtube" and "Hi this is (your user name)" Using your real name is more attractive to people.

Here are some steps to increase your followers of your youtube channel.

1. Put your channel link in your blog or website's footer section, so that if someone visits your website or blog will check your channel by clicking on it.
2. If you don't have website or blog, set up your blog. There are many sites which provides free blog.
3. Create nice title & description for each of your video, so that it will appear in user's search.
4. Add related keyword to your videos.
5. Put 1 attractive banner on your channel.
6. Comment & do to videos which are related to your topics. (but do not make spam comments).

I think this will help you more.