How to kick the minecraft drug?

Well, easy way of putting this, I turned 16 in October, got a laptop for it, and bought minecraft-big mistake.
I now play feed the beast, another big mistake…
And well I'm now addicted to this, it's like a drug, it doesn't help that because i'm 16 I jave GCSE's coming up and all I wanna do is game and not revise… Any way I can kick the Minecraft drug?

You are right in the fact playing a videogame so much is really bad… Most of all, it consumes lots of time of your life that could be spent in much better things.

About your question… Well, there are several ways. Since you want yourself to stop playing so much Minecraft you can do one of these things I thinked:

-> Delete your account: works almost for sure, since even if you later want to play again, you probably will not want to build all of your stuff from the beginning, so you'll not play anymore. But if your idea is not stop playing at all, but reduce the time you play, it's a bad idea.

-> Calculate the time you spend playing that videogame. Then, make a list of things you could do in that free time (not internet/ computer related) like hang out with friends, play a sport, etc… And that you would like to do. So, try to make that things i your free time instead of playing Minecraft; then you'll too busy doing awsome stuff you don't play the videogame. After some time, you don't even want to play it anymore.

-> If you want to continue play Minecraft but not so much, start by doing that list I refered in the previows "option". Now, create a kind of schedule of your free time, and reduce minecraft time to a limit of 1 hour or 1 hours and half, and don't play it every day, play like alternate days. The rest of your free time, do the stuff you wrote on your list.

Hope it helps!