How to improve CPU cooling?

So I want to improve my CPU cooling, I don't want to buy new cooling and I already have a heat sync and 2 back fans, one on top of the other, my CPU is overclocked by 20% to 3.24 GHZ, what is the best way for me to improve my cooling? My cpu averages about 65-70 (rarely higher than 75) degrees Celsius. So what's the best way to go ( the reason I overclocked was to run things like minecraft better since my graphics card is ****, its a built in chip-set), so anyone have any good suggestions? Also, my CPU is an Intel Pentium dual core, the highest temp i ever reached on my 1st core was 78 degrees C and the 2nd core was 72, right now my temps are 44 and 31 degrees C for core 1 and 2

You don't want to buy a new cooling unit, so you can't improve it.

That's all you can do on that cpu there isn't much left, seems like your good just keep it open and not enclosed in a area that doesn't have free flowing air

I think that your computer is just old, so there can be a couple of things wrong with it. Make sure you blow out All the dust. Get a can of compressed air and blow everything out. Make sure the computer is off so that if there are any problems, it doesn't effect anything. Also you might want to replace the thermal paste on the heatsink. The older things get, the more worn things become. So buy Arctic Silver and take off the heatsink (while computer is off and unplugged). Then use cotton swabs to clean the thermal paste off with rubbing alcohol. Get all of it off, and apply a small pea sized amount to the middle of the CPU. Then neatly place the heatsink on again. Good luck. Watch videos on how to clean thermal paste, apply thermal paste, install aftermarket coolers, etc.

That really is not a bad temp to be running, I use speedfan to keep track of all my temps, my CPU and GPU normally run about 50c unless I'm running games or movies, then it will run between 70c and 75c. Normally you don't really have to worry about it until you start getting about like 80c (this is what the guy told me that i bought my computers from) its the hard drive that you really need to watch, the temp for it should stay around 40c, running a little over or under is not bad but after 50c it is starting to get kind of hot. I have not figured out how t do it yet but you can download the configurations or whatever from speedfan if you know what motherboard you have as well as the other chips, even without the configurations, speedfan makes a difference in temps and fan speeds

Use air duster. Spray that inside and in the vents when the PC is not turned on.