How to get youtube views and subs?

I started YouTube about a week ago and it's a minecraft channel so I record with "Bandicam" and I know your gonna think don't use "Bandicam" if it's Lagy with my desktop, we'll it wasn't before and I updated or something and it got really Lagy and I'll put a link so can you take a look and share with your friends and also tell me how to get views and subs?

Blog posting, from posting and all type of SEO


You should start by telling your friends about your channel. Also, you can always advertise it on some websites.

You'll have to wait more than a week to see results!

I started on YouTube with only 3 subscribers August of 2012, and as of now, I have 108 subs, I'm partnered, and I have started to build a good community of friends and fans. It all takes good quality and patience!

Hope you have a good channel.

Advertisements, posting stuff, sending it to friends and people you know, or people that are interested in Minecraft are all good results.

Advertising it on websites though is pretty difficult, because some rules don't let you, and most people really don't listen that much.

From what I can see through your channel link, it's getting pretty much some views, and you currently got 10 subscribers.

I don't make much videos, but somehow throughout 2 days when I uploaded 2 videos about Rotmg (Realm of the Mad God) I got 58-67 views and 5 subscribers without doing anything.

So I suppose it takes time and effort to have subscribers. Edit them, make them seem ear/eye catching, make them hilarious, or just simply make a video like P10x Gt 0n M@h LvL. You know, that swag that makes everyone feel like, Wow.

So that's all.