How to get my minecraft channel noticed?

Hi, we're a new gaming channel and we're having trouble getting noticed. We mostly post minecraft videos. We really need feedback on how to improve. Thanks!

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Maybe try making like an action-packed roleplay looking trailer.
I've seen some very creative minecraft videos, where the trailer itself is like a movie, more than a game.
I got hooked and had to stop and get back to doing my homework xD

Ohh, action packed trailer sounds awesome. Do that, or make a world thats a certain video game themed, then make a trailer for that world. If you start to get big, have others join you and make more video game worlds. Worlds like that can easily blow people away.

Hey, I've got a gaming channel as well with my friends and we're doing something similar, playing games that we enjoy for our viewers. We don't have many viewers at the moment, but we're trying to get our names out there. We ask people what they think about us, and what we could do to get better, funnier, or whatever. So what i ask you is to give us a view and tell us what you think. Like what we do? Sub us, and help spread the word. Peace out man, I like your channel so far as well.

Heres the link.

Do stuff that not a lot of big youtubers do but stuff people will still search to watch

Don't do lets plays or captainsparklez lets plays will pop up first same with mini games SkyDoesMC will pop up first and urs will be at the very bottom due to the number of views

If you do those make sure the title is complex and not just "Minecraft Lets play Ep 1", Etc Then when People search yours it will pop up towards the top.

Good luck I plan to start youtube soon also,