How to create your own minecraft texture pack?

Hi was wondering how you can create your own minecraft resource/texture pack?

So, to create it you need to be good at editing images and etc. Right now lets start:
Things you need to know:
1- You can create resourcepacks with different sizes, like 16x16pixels, 32x32pixels, 64x64pixels, and more.
2- You can change more than the texture, thats why the name is resource, and not texture anymore. You can change the sound, the language file, the shader file, the font/text, the splashes (yellow random messages), the credit text (when you kill enderdragon and go back to the normal world) and I think there's more.

So, now you need to go and use one resourcepack to help you creating it.
You can find more in youtube videos, I think there's a lot of this on youtube.

I just said the basic, I hope I helped you, now go to youtube and explore.