I would like to be good at Minecraft PVP on my mac. The problem is mostly my mouse. I can't click fast enough with this apple mouse and it kills me. Any cheap gaming mouses I can attach to my Mac?
How to be better at Minecraft PVP? Mac?
Maverick 12.07.2015
You don't want a gaming mouse, you just want a real mouse. Apple is terrible for all things related to games. Or most things not related to rendering and art stuffz. You can get a normal cheap $10 mouse at any bestbuy or any other store with electronics. You should look to see if it has an Apple logo on the box. That means it works with Macs.
Mega 13.07.2015
/give @p minecraft: diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"Crazy Sword"}, Unbreakable:1, ench:[{id:16, lvl:1…
Dominic 13.07.2015
Umm if you have a ps3 or xbox controller you can use that. Its was easier than using a mouse
marf 13.07.2015