How much does it cost to build a storage shed?

I would like to build a storage shed for my son, and I would like to know how much it cost?

I would like to add a computer in the shed where he can play Minecraft, and not only a computer, but some model train sets as well.

So… Any idea how much it would cost? It would meant a lot for my son.


In most cases it would cost you more (unless you can source material very cheaply) to build a shed than buy a kit shed.

It depends on the size of the storage shed. The traditional size of a custom storage shed is to be 120 square feet. The pricing on such a custom-built structure would be around $2745, or $22.85 per square foot.

You can go on line to HD or Lowes and find lots of sheds for about 500-800 dollars. Also you can find local companies who build really nice sheds for about 1,000 to 2,000.