Good names for a youtube gaming channel for two people?

We will be playing fifa gta minecraft skate nba all sorts really but can't come up with a name any ideas?

Ps4 + Xbox one = Psbox

Two guys: BrotherhoodsOfGaming
Two Girls: TheSweetishGamers
One girl one guy: BoysAndGirlsGaming

My bad is these are pretty lame just came up with them as you can tell.

The great gaming duet. Best I could do off the top of my head.

How about yingandyanggaming?

Be like every other internet username ever. Add lots of grammar mistakes, plenty of 3s replacing Es and pointles Xs followed by useless numbers and top it off with stupid some random word.

For example- XxM3G4_G4MURSxX123456toaster

Simple. If you want you can add and remove different sections or jumble them around, as long as it's ridiculous and stupid. If you want something less dumb then come up with a stupid word or two and add some random numbers (commonly the year you were born).

For example- SquidBroJellyfish94

Many popular youtubers have a dumb username. Just some examples, totalhalibut, presshearttocontinue, cknoor, omfgcata, charlieissocoollike, iamchiib, themediacows, misterepicmann, necroscope86, wowcrendor and many, many more! Having a dumb username is the first step towards being a YouTube star! If you want a username you won't regret why not have something simple like *insert word here* Gaming Videos/Community/Team or *insert word here* Gamers.