Alright, so basically I recently started a YouTube channel art. I don't have too many suhbscribers, 45, but I'm growing quite fast in my opinion for only having my channel for 1 1/2 months. Anyway, I already have channel art and an icon, but I don't think it is very good. The icon is a gaming controller with a minecraft background, and it says my name on the top. The channel art is also a minecraft background, and it says "Gameplays, Commentaries, and More!" with two controllers on each side. Now, I don't really want to keep a minecraft channel art and icon, because my channel isn't only minecraft. I upload different games also. So my question is; do you guys have any ideas for a channel art and icon that I could make relating to gaming? I'm dead on ideas… Thanks for reading, and any answers!
Good Idea for a Youtube Channel Art/Icon?
DON't do anything mine craft in your channel icon. A good idea would be the same thing but with some brushed metal background or something like that. Btw, What's your channel name? I wan to check it out.