Good IBuyPower PC Desktop for Minecraft?

I'm looking for a good Ibuypower desktop pc that will run minecraft smoothly at about 100fps at max settings possibly?

Budget: $400-$600

If you could customize it there, that would be fine. But, I'm mostly looking forward to playing minecraft on it smoothly with max settings at about 100 fps.

I don't need a keyboard/mouse etc.

A link would be great, not building a computer!

Added (1). Someone mentioned about getting - 8GB Memory - 500GB Hard Drive/6980021.p? Id=1218818471270

If your buying a 400 dollar PC to play minecraft, then wow. Minecraft is one of the least demanding games ever made. It will run on a almost any PC with no problems. And why do you want 100fps? Humans can't even see above like 30 fps, so when people say they need a game to run at 60 or 100 fps, it really makes no sense.