Gaming PC under 500 USD (US dollars)?

I need a gaming PC under 500 USD that can handle games such as Minecraft at a minimum of 60 FPS on max settings.

I'm not a PC nerd and I'm fairly new to the PC world, and I play consoles most of the time, so please tell me anything I need to know about PC's.
If possible, are there any PC's that can handle Battlefield 4 well? If such a PC is over 500 USD, what is the minimum price of a PC that can handle Battlefield 4 on max settings with smooth (30-60+) frames per second?

You want a PC that can run BF4 at max settings at 60FPS, you're looking at around $800 at the MINIMUM (and such a PC would only be able to max out BF4 and games before it, it would quickly become out of date)

If you want a PC that can't only max out games NOW, but also 1-2 years from now, expect to look at the $1,000-$1,200 range (This is all assuming you're building it yourself)

Pre-built computers can cost about $100-$300 more than a custom built one of the same specs.

And don't even think about laptops with a $500 budget.

Ok, probably a $500 PC could run Minecraft with 60FPS minimum without an issue but Battlefield at max settings with 60FPS minimum? Not a chance.
You may want to spend at least $600 to run it on low to medium, $800 to run it on high to ultra and maybe 1000$ to run it smoothly on max settings.
You also won't be able to find a PC on the internet that could run BF4 on ultra that costs less than $600, you'll have to build one if you want to at least run it on low.

Now, if you don't want to spend more than $500, then this is the best you are going to get:
Don't expect BF4 to run on low with more than 40FPS, maybe +50FPS on the lowest resolution.
And I guess you don't really want to play that game like that right?

Like I said, $600 may be a little bit better, you may be able to run BF4 a little more smoothly on low, maybe even on medium or possibly high. This is the rig:

And if you want to run it on ultra, at least with more than 30FPS, this is the one:

Maybe not 30FPS on ultra, probably more like a 60FPS on ultra, maybe 50FPS maxed out because of the killer card, but don't get this build, the PSU would probably die in 30 minutes after the first time you turn it on.

And if you want to go full ultra on games like Crysis 3, Battlefield series plus many others with 60FPS, go for this one:

Anyways, so if you want to play BF4 on ultra, you'll probably want to spend more than $500, at least $700 if you want a good experience on medium or low.
If you need anything else, be sure to update your answer