Games are becoming so boring to me

Before you look at the irony of my username and this question, listen to this x). Well, games are just becoming like just so boring. I got The Windwaker HD for christmas and I don't know what to think of it. I also got Batman Arkham City aswell, and I liked the beginning with catwoman fighting, but it just got boring after that. I used to love games and I had like a passion for them. I loved Minecraft, but now I just can't play it, because of how bored I'm with it. I love Skyrim, but I passed it a lot and now it's boring to me. I kind of like Call of Duty Black Ops 2 (First CoD game for me), but it's like so repetitive and filled with campers. How do I love games again, I enjoyed the feelings of the night in Minecraft, fighting a dragon in skyrim, killing in CoD, and just enjoying every game with an amazing storyline. Now I just play games, but I feel like I'm just not immersed into it. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever love videogames again. By the way, Windwaker HD is the first game that I played of the Zelda series. Geez, I remember picking up The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and just loving the hell out of it.

Most games have difficulty settings. Have you tried the Hard settings?
Skyrim, play the game not using any magic (except when you must as part of the story). No enchantments, only potions or food for health.

Looking for immersion, huh?
If you're on PC, I'd suggest trying an MMO.

I started playing TERA, with a set goal in how I want my character to act and fight like, and it's been a pleasant experience.

I too had a time of when games just bored me. I'm hoping upcoming games like Watch Dogs, Dying Light, and The Division fix that.