Make multiple accounts when you purchase minecraft?

So i'm thinking off buying minecraft but the problem is, I'm afraid we can't make more than one account per purchase my sister and brother want to play it too and its too much to purchase it 3 times. So can i make more than one account when i purchase it once i know we can download it but can we make more than one account?

When you purchase Minecraft, you get one account and player name. You can still use that one account on multiple computers inn single player, but your siblings and you can't play together. If you go on a server with your account, no one else can. If you want to play local multiplayer together, you can't with the same account. So basically, you can all use that one account, but it has limits. I'd recommend getting separate accounts. That's what my sister and I do.

What he said, plus you can always feel like a pirate…