Can Windows 7 and Windows 8 play autoland world and Minecraft?

Me and my friend tried to do a mean the world and I can't show up on his T-shirt up online and I'm using Windows 8 but he is not connect to my because it said There was a problem with job and the connection time timed out

It can play minecraft at least or should.

It seems as though you are trying to host a server.

Minecraft works fine on windows 7 and windows 8. You Can't host a LAN world over the internet.

If you are trying to host a server, I recommend downloading and installing hamachi (both of you) found here;
(Or find a public server like shotbow,

Make sure your Java is up to date!

Step 1: Download & Install Hamachi
Step 2: Press the power button after opening hamachi.
Step 3: The host needs to create a network, click on Network > Create a New Network…
Step 4: Have other players join the network, click on Network > Join an existing network… And enter the Network ID and Password (Case Sensitive!)
Step 5: Open in Notepad, and change the server_ip= to your IP.
(Example: server_ip=
Step 6: Use that IP in minecraft.