Hi, i'm a gamer who has put alot of time into a small amount of games, and now i don't know what to play =O
These are the games i've sunk hundreds of hours into (In Order Of Most Played > Least Played)
Skyrim, WoW, Rust, Oblivion, CS: GO, Terraria, Farcry 2>3, The Long Dark.
After playing these games for quite a while i'm bored, so i need some suggestions.
Catagories i love: Survival, RPG, Inventory/Management, Gathering, Open World.
Catagories i hate: Strategy, Turn Based, Games Where Your Limited To A Path, or Small Area, Generic FPS (Call of duty)
So, which games do you recommend me? =D Kingdoms of Amular, Dragon Age, The Witcher. There are many open world games too, like Minecraft (highly recommended since you like gathering), and action ones, like Second Son, or GTA, or Watch Dogs, or Dark Souls. When it's out, consider No Man's Sky. And if you haven't check out Fallout, which is from the creators of Skyrim and Oblivion. Try Last of Us for survival.
There are a metric ton of RPG choices, like Second Life, which is a mix of a lot of things. Also check Tera. And maybe check ESO.
But whatever you do, seriously check out Minecraft if you haven't, you'll probably like it. Day-Z Feom Steam, or if you want something for free, go to ROBLOX and play Apocalypse Rising, amazing survival games, also I got forgot H1Z1. From Steam also. LAstly in ROBLOX there's more then one place to play, there's Military, RPG, survival, ect. The Souls series is pretty good. It's a ARPG it's open world in the sense it doesn't push you into any path. The game is also quite unforgiving. Not to hard if you take your time, and study your opponents but you won't get anywhere when you rush, or make foolish mistakes. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. Made by Bethesda, who made Skyrim. They're not fantasy, they're post apocalyptic, but they're similar to Skyrim. Open world free roam, lots of choices, many monsters are similar to monsters in Skyrim (deathclaws are like dragons, ghouls like draugr, fiends like bandits, etc), you can do some crafting and alchemy type stuff at workbenches and campfires. The skills system and combat are a bit different, but you should be able to get used to them pretty quickly if you've played Skyrim. If you are a fan of Elder scrolls, and MMOs you may like Elder scrolls online. Elder scrolls lore, and a lot of quests, plus about 85% soloable. I recommend Team Fortress 2. It's free and you can download it from Steam.